Our Commitment To You

If you've read any of my posts so far, you'll know I'm no writer!  My ideas float off course and I run off on tangents.  Just imagine I'm sitting across the table from you and we are having a conversation.  That's how I want you to read the posts as well as this page.  It means a lot to us that you take a minute to understand a few things about who we are and what we do.  Thank you.


First, just a few words to let you know that we really do appreciate you and the fact that you chose us to help you become a healthier, more physically fit person.  We understand that everyone has different needs and struggles to overcome while reaching their end goal.  We firmly believe that we have found our success as Beachbody coaches through sincerity and remaining personable and approachable.  There is a little reading below about us and then I will just lay out some other "policies" of ours so you understand who we are and what we do and can get a feeling for our values and the driving forces for our team.  Whether you are a member of one of our support groups or still considering taking that first step toward a healthier you, we want you to understand our approach to coaching and what makes us effective coaches.

A little about us...

Krystal really did change her life with P90X.  When I met her in high school years ago her shoulder could dislocate as many as 15+ times a day.  Her surgeon for this condition is the best in the world and has worked on many major athletes in America.  He insisted for years to avoid any arm exercise and two failed surgeries kept us in constant fear of how long her body could take the constant dislocations.

I had a hunch early on that strengthing the entire shoulder ought to help.  Maybe reducing the number of dislocations would improve her quality of life, but how?  A part of me kept thinking that her surgeon knew best.  I'm no doctor and we are dealing with the most complex joint in the body.  In 2010 her other shoulder failed from constantly compensating for the bad side.  After surgery to repair the torn rotator cuff, we knew something had to change. 

Enter P90X.  Krystal borrowed it from one of my coworkers, Matt.  She was very self conscious at the time and I think a bit concerned about how I would feel if I saw the way she was using her arms in the exercises so she did the program when I was at work.  A good move on her part, because I would have died if I saw her doing the arm exercises!  She gave it her all and she was smart about taking it easy and modifying when she needed to.  Within just a week or two of starting the program the dislocations all but ceased.  In the past year, she has only had about 10 dislocations.  Maybe not even that many.  I am amazed at what the program has done for her and I can't wait to see her surgeon's face when we go in for her next bi-annual checkup! 

If Krys can do this program and gain stability in her shoulder, become more physically fit, better educated on what is going into the bodies of not only herself, but the entire family AND help others, we know the system can and will work for you.  And we are here to help with our support groups, challenge groups, daily workouts and tips and tricks.  This blog is one of the many tools we use to keep organized and give our members 24/7 access to the recipes we share as a group online. 


So as some of you know, we are from Minnesota, USA.  It happens to be an area known for the good-hearted people it produces.  I happen to know that we are surrounded by them and it's a good part of the reason we became coaches.  We want to see you meet and hopefully exceed your fitness goals at a pace you can handle.  That's never going to change.  That said, there is a business side to the coaching opportunity as well.  We are paid on volume of product sales.  Our approach is decidedly to help as many people as we can and let you do the talking, being a product of our products and letting you bring your friends to us to receive the same encouragement and support that comes from genuine care for our customers.  Tying into that and maybe more the reason I brought it up is that I want to mention our policy on Shakeology recipes.  We will post recipes for shakes because we have had so many requests for them.  Recipes including Shakeology as an ingredient are only to be considered if the recipe isn't using massive amounts of shake mix and there is a good reason to use the Shakeology.  Obviously, we like high sales volume and it would be easy to post lost of high-consumption recipes on the blog in an effort to line our pockets, but we promise that we are not going to do that -ever.  As part of our commitment to you we will not post or promote high-consumption Shakeology recipes or substitute Beachbody products in our recipes when there is no benefit to doing so.


As for privacy, we hold closed and secret challenge groups on Facebook for your privacy.  We do not share any personal information and hold everything in complete confidence unless you offer a public testimony or otherwise consent to use your story, photos, etc. outside the group.  Nothing posted to the groups or submitted to our pages will be used by us for any promotional purpose unless we first gain your consent to do so and you will be fully aware of how and where we use the information.  This is extremely rare and would only be in the case of a fitness club/show/meeting.  Bottom line -we will not use your information unless we ask you and you consent.


If you are currently looking for a Beachbody Coach or would like to get involved with Beachbody as a coach, we would love to help you!  We ask that you inquire on the form here.  If you have been assigned a coach by Beachbody in the past and have not had luck connecting with them, please be sure you have current information on your Team Beachbody page and make an attempt to reach them before switching.  We will gladly welcome you to the team, but we do not condone customer or coach poaching and want to give your coach another opportunity to work with you.  Sometimes there's an incompatibility between assigned coaches and their customers and sometimes the coaches are not focused on your fitness goals and are more business-centric.  If you have found this to be the case with your coach we invite you to come on board and see the difference our team can and will make in your life. 


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